The actual family party was the next day. Oddly enough, it was not centered around Camilla. It was more of aunts, uncles and friends having a barbeque, talking, and drinking while I was with the kids.
We go up to the mountains Sat. morning, so I might not have Internet for a while. The housekeeper is gone for two weeks, so I am setting my mind to not take her place. They don’t pay me that much, and it won’t kill them to have to wash
(the island in this pic looks like a turtle)
I met a woman from New York in Alassio. We went on a long hike in the morning, and talked a lot about the mindset of people with “hired help.” We both have seen how they will make very distinct instructions which have to be followed, and they get the credit for having done it; however, when they have to do it completely on their own, it’s no where near the perfection they require of others.
In Alassio, there were more relatives visiting. Paola’s brother from Parma and his two kids. They were very sweet and actually listened. The youngest was four, and she would ask to play with me, would want to go swimming with me, wanted to hold my hand… It was the kind of interaction I would like to have with Camilla. I am hoping it rubbed off.
I said goodbye to my friends who work at the Internet café. I was a regular there so they got used to me. Not to mention, I spilt an entire cappuccino on the floor. What can I say, I had to mark my territory so to speak.
Paola has a sister with mental problems. She’s fully capable of doing everything a normal person would only she is more like a child. All the time, and I mean 5 times a day, she jokingly asks me, whats your name? or have you seen Marcie? Or Who are you? Then also everyday she wants to go for a swim where she will say, look Merrrrcie- a fish or a crab or a jelly fish then commence to pinch me several times. Today was the last day I will see her, so she made me promise to send her cds from California. I practice my Italian with her, and she will correct me if I am wrong. She gets upset sometimes too though. The woman from NY just ‘happened’ to walk by when we were having our birthday party and wanted so wish Camilla “auguri” The sister got upset and wanted to make sure that she knew it was Camilla’s birthday. She wanted me to ask her, in English, where the present was and insisted that she did not wish Camilla a happy birthday. It was an awkward situation.
Anyways, I am super tired after party number two. I hope to hear from everyone who reads this
This pic. reminded me of the newer version of Romeo and Juliet.